Source code for update_dotdee

# Generic modular configuration file manager.
# Author: Peter Odding <>
# Last Change: May 17, 2020
# URL:

Generic modular configuration file management.

The :mod:`update_dotdee` module provides two classes that implement alternative
strategies for using modular configuration files:

- :class:`UpdateDotDee` implements the Python API of the ``update-dotdee``
  program which can be used to split a monolithic configuration file into a
  directory of files with configuration snippets. The monolithic configuration
  file is updated by concatenating the files with configuration snippets to
  enable support for programs that only handle a single configuration file.

- :class:`ConfigLoader` is a lightweight alternative for :class:`UpdateDotDee`
  that makes it easy for Python programs to load ``*.ini`` configuration files
  from multiple locations including ``.d`` directories. It doesn't generate any
  files, it just finds and loads them.

# Standard library modules.
import glob
import hashlib
import logging
import os

# External dependencies.
from executor.contexts import LocalContext
from humanfriendly import format_path, parse_path
from humanfriendly.text import compact, format, pluralize
from natsort import natsort
from property_manager import (
from six.moves import configparser

# Semi-standard module versioning.
__version__ = '6.0'

Configuration files are text files in the subset of `ini syntax`_ supported by
Python's configparser_ module. They can be located in the following places:


The available configuration files are loaded in the order given above, so that
user specific configuration files override system wide configuration files.

.. _configparser:
.. _ini syntax:

# Initialize a logger for this module.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class UpdateDotDee(PropertyManager): """ The :class:`UpdateDotDee` class implements the Python API of `update-dotdee`. To create an :class:`UpdateDotDee` object you need to provide a value for the :attr:`filename` property. You can set the values of properties by passing keywords arguments to the initializer, for details refer to the documentation of the :class:`~property_manager.PropertyManager` superclass. """
[docs] @mutable_property def checksum_file(self): """The pathname of the file that stores the checksum of the generated file (a string).""" return os.path.join(, '.checksum')
[docs] @mutable_property(cached=True) def context(self): """ An execution context created by :mod:`executor.contexts`. Defaults to a :class:`~executor.contexts.LocalContext` object. """ return LocalContext()
[docs] @mutable_property def directory(self): """The pathname of the directory with configuration snippets (a string).""" return self.filename + '.d'
[docs] @required_property def filename(self): """The pathname of the configuration file to generate (a string)."""
[docs] @mutable_property def force(self): """:data:`True` to overwrite modified files, :data:`False` to abort (the default).""" return False
@property def new_checksum(self): """Get the SHA1 digest of the contents of :attr:`filename` (a string).""" if self.context.is_file(self.filename): friendly_name = format_path(self.filename) logger.debug("Calculating SHA1 of %s ..", friendly_name) context = hashlib.sha1() context.update(self.context.read_file(self.filename)) checksum = context.hexdigest() logger.debug("The SHA1 digest of %s is %s.", friendly_name, checksum) return checksum @property def old_checksum(self): """Get the checksum stored in :attr:`checksum_file` (a string or :data:`None`).""" if self.context.is_file(self.checksum_file): logger.debug("Reading saved checksum from %s ..", format_path(self.checksum_file)) checksum = self.context.read_file(self.checksum_file).decode('ascii') logger.debug("Saved checksum is %s.", checksum) return checksum
[docs] def update_file(self, force=None): """ Update the file with the contents of the files in the ``.d`` directory. :param force: Override the value of :attr:`force` (a boolean or :data:`None`). :raises: :exc:`RefuseToOverwrite` when :attr:`force` is :data:`False` and the contents of :attr:`filename` were modified. """ if force is None: force = self.force if not self.context.is_directory( # Create the .d directory."Creating directory %s ..", format_path( self.context.execute('mkdir', '-p',, tty=False) # Move the original file into the .d directory. local_file = os.path.join(, 'local')"Moving %s to %s ..", format_path(self.filename), format_path(local_file)) self.context.execute('mv', self.filename, local_file, tty=False) # Read the modular configuration file(s). blocks = [] for entry in natsort(self.context.list_entries( if not entry.startswith('.'): filename = os.path.join(, entry) if self.context.is_executable(filename): blocks.append(self.execute_file(filename)) else: blocks.append(self.read_file(filename)) contents = b"\n\n".join(blocks) # Make sure the generated file was not modified? We skip this on the # first run, when the original file was just moved into the newly # created directory (see above). if all(map(self.context.is_file, (self.filename, self.checksum_file))):"Checking for local changes to %s ..", format_path(self.filename)) if self.new_checksum != self.old_checksum: if force: logger.warning(compact( """ The contents of the file to generate ({filename}) were modified but --force was used so overwriting anyway! """, filename=format_path(self.filename), )) else: raise RefuseToOverwrite(compact( """ The contents of the file to generate ({filename}) were modified and I'm refusing to overwrite it! If you're sure you want to proceed, use the --force option or delete the file {checksum_file} and retry. """, filename=format_path(self.filename), checksum_file=format_path(self.checksum_file), )) # Update the generated configuration file. self.write_file(self.filename, contents) # Update the checksum file. self.context.write_file(self.checksum_file, self.new_checksum)
[docs] def read_file(self, filename): """ Read a text file and provide feedback to the user. :param filename: The pathname of the file to read (a string). :returns: The contents of the file (a string). """"Reading file: %s", format_path(filename)) contents = self.context.read_file(filename) num_lines = len(contents.splitlines()) logger.debug("Read %s from %s.", pluralize(num_lines, 'line'), format_path(filename)) return contents.rstrip()
[docs] def execute_file(self, filename): """ Execute a file and provide feedback to the user. :param filename: The pathname of the file to execute (a string). :returns: Whatever the executed file returns on stdout (a string). """"Executing file: %s", format_path(filename)) contents = self.context.execute(filename, capture=True).stdout num_lines = len(contents.splitlines()) logger.debug("Execution of %s yielded % of output.", format_path(filename), pluralize(num_lines, 'line')) return contents.rstrip()
[docs] def write_file(self, filename, contents): """ Write a text file and provide feedback to the user. :param filename: The pathname of the file to write (a string). :param contents: The new contents of the file (a string). """"Writing file: %s", format_path(filename)) contents = contents.rstrip() + b"\n" self.context.write_file(filename, contents) logger.debug("Wrote %s to %s.", pluralize(len(contents.splitlines()), "line"), format_path(filename))
[docs]class ConfigLoader(PropertyManager): """ Wrapper for :mod:`configparser` that searches ``*.d`` directories. The :class:`ConfigLoader` class is a simple wrapper for :mod:`configparser` that searches for ``*.ini`` configuration files in system-wide and/or user-specific configuration directories: - In normal usage the caller is expected to set :attr:`program_name` and let :class:`ConfigLoader` take care of details like searching for available configuration files. - Alternatively the caller can set :attr:`available_files` to bypass the usage of :attr:`program_name`, :attr:`base_directories` and :attr:`filename_extension` to generate :attr:`filename_patterns`. The :attr:`parser` and :attr:`section_names` properties and the :func:`get_options()` method provide access to the configuration. """
[docs] @mutable_property(cached=True) def available_files(self): """ The filenames of the available configuration files (a list of strings). The value of :attr:`available_files` is computed the first time its needed by searching for available configuration files that match :attr:`filename_patterns` using :func:`~glob.glob()`. If you set :attr:`available_files` this effectively disables searching for configuration files. """ matches = [] for pattern in self.filename_patterns: logger.debug("Matching filename pattern: %s", pattern) matches.extend(natsort(glob.glob(parse_path(pattern)))) return matches
[docs] @mutable_property(cached=True) def base_directories(self): """ The directories that are searched for configuration files (a list of strings). By default this list contains three entries in the following order: ============= ===================================================== Directory Description ============= ===================================================== ``/etc`` The directory for system wide configuration files on Unix like operating systems. ``~`` The profile directory of the current user (also available as the environment variable ``$HOME``). ``~/.config`` Alternative directory for user specific configuration files (also known as `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME`_). ============= ===================================================== The order of these entries is significant because it defines the order in which configuration files are loaded by :attr:`parser` which controls how overrides work (when multiple files are loaded). In this order, user specific configuration files override system wide configuration files. The reasoning behind this is that the operator may not be in a position to change system wide configuration files, even though this is an important use case to support. .. _$XDG_CONFIG_HOME: """ return ['/etc', '~', os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', '~/.config')]
[docs] @cached_property def documentation(self): r""" Configuration documentation in reStructuredText_ syntax (a string). The purpose of the :attr:`documentation` property is to provide documentation on the integration of :class:`ConfigLoader` into other projects without denormalizing the required knowledge via copy/paste. .. _reStructuredText: """ from humanfriendly.tables import format_rst_table formatted_table = format_rst_table([ (directory, self.get_main_pattern(directory).replace('*', r'\*'), self.get_modular_pattern(directory).replace('*', r'\*')) for directory in self.base_directories ], [ "Directory", "Main configuration file", "Modular configuration files", ]) return format(DOCUMENTATION_TEMPLATE, table=formatted_table).strip()
[docs] @mutable_property def filename_extension(self): """The filename extension of configuration files (a string, defaults to ``.ini``).""" return '.ini'
[docs] @mutable_property(cached=True) def filename_patterns(self): """ Filename patterns to search for available configuration files (a list of strings). The value of :attr:`filename_patterns` is computed the first time it is needed. Each of the :attr:`base_directories` generates two patterns: 1. A pattern generated by :func:`get_main_pattern()`. 2. A pattern generated by :func:`get_modular_pattern()`. Here's an example: >>> from update_dotdee import ConfigLoader >>> loader = ConfigLoader(program_name='update-dotdee') >>> loader.filename_patterns ['/etc/update-dotdee.ini', '/etc/update-dotdee.d/*.ini', '~/.update-dotdee.ini', '~/.update-dotdee.d/*.ini', '~/.config/update-dotdee.ini', '~/.config/update-dotdee.d/*.ini'] """ patterns = [] for directory in self.base_directories: patterns.append(self.get_main_pattern(directory)) patterns.append(self.get_modular_pattern(directory)) return patterns
[docs] @cached_property(repr=False) def parser(self): """A :class:`configparser.RawConfigParser` object with :attr:`available_files` loaded.""" parser = configparser.RawConfigParser() for filename in self.available_files: friendly_name = format_path(filename) logger.debug("Loading configuration file: %s", friendly_name) loaded_files = if len(loaded_files) == 0: self.report_issue("Failed to load configuration file! (%s)", friendly_name) logger.debug("Loaded %s from %s.", pluralize(len(parser.sections()), "section"), pluralize(len(self.available_files), "configuration file")) return parser
[docs] @mutable_property def program_name(self): """ The name of the application whose configuration we're managing (a string). The value of this property is used by :attr:`filename_patterns` to generate filenames of configuration files and directories. """
[docs] @cached_property def section_names(self): """The names of the available sections (a list of strings).""" return sorted(self.parser.sections())
[docs] @mutable_property def strict(self): """ Whether to be strict or forgiving when something goes wrong (a boolean). When :attr:`strict` is :data:`True` and something goes wrong an exception will be raised, whereas if it is :data:`False` (the default) a warning message will be logged but no exception is raised. """ return False
[docs] def get_main_pattern(self, directory): """ Get the :func:`~glob.glob()` pattern to find the main configuration file. :param directory: The pathname of a base directory (a string). :returns: A filename pattern (a string). This method generates a pattern that matches a filename based on :attr:`program_name` with the suffix :attr:`filename_extension` in the given base `directory`. Here's an example: >>> from update_dotdee import ConfigLoader >>> loader = ConfigLoader(program_name='update-dotdee') >>> [loader.get_main_pattern(d) for d in loader.base_directories] ['/etc/update-dotdee.ini', '~/.update-dotdee.ini', '~/.config/update-dotdee.ini'] """ return os.path.join(directory, format( '{prefix}{program_name}.{extension}', extension=self.filename_extension.lstrip('.'), program_name=self.program_name, prefix=self.get_prefix(directory), ))
[docs] def get_modular_pattern(self, directory): """ Get the :func:`~glob.glob()` pattern to find modular configuration files. :param directory: The pathname of a base directory (a string). :returns: A filename pattern (a string). This method generates a pattern that matches a directory whose name is based on :attr:`program_name` with the suffix ``.d`` containing files matching the configured :attr:`filename_extension`. Here's an example: >>> from update_dotdee import ConfigLoader >>> loader = ConfigLoader(program_name='update-dotdee') >>> [loader.get_modular_pattern(d) for d in loader.base_directories] ['/etc/update-dotdee.d/*.ini', '~/.update-dotdee.d/*.ini', '~/.config/update-dotdee.d/*.ini'] """ return os.path.join(directory, format( '{prefix}{program_name}.d/*.{extension}', extension=self.filename_extension.lstrip('.'), program_name=self.program_name, prefix=self.get_prefix(directory), ))
[docs] def get_options(self, section_name): """ Get the options defined in a specific section. :param section_name: The name of the section (a string). :returns: A :class:`dict` with options. """ return dict(self.parser.items(section_name))
[docs] def get_prefix(self, directory): """ Get the filename prefix for the given base directory. :param directory: The pathname of a directory (a string). :returns: The string '.' for the user's profile directory, an empty string otherwise. """ return '.' if directory == '~' else ''
[docs] def report_issue(self, message, *args, **kw): """Handle a problem by raising an exception or logging a warning (depending on :attr:`strict`).""" if self.strict: raise ValueError(format(message, *args, **kw)) else: logger.warning(format(message, *args, **kw))
[docs]class RefuseToOverwrite(Exception): """Raised when `update-dotdee` notices that a generated file was modified."""
[docs]def inject_documentation(**options): """ Generate configuration documentation in reStructuredText_ syntax. :param options: Any keyword arguments are passed on to the :class:`ConfigLoader` initializer. This methods injects the generated documentation into the output generated by cog_. .. _cog: """ import cog loader = ConfigLoader(**options) cog.out("\n" + loader.documentation + "\n\n")